During the “PBS NewsHour” coverage of day two of the Republican National Convention on Tuesday, New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that Republicans are “prone” to “go with a little racial intonation” while talking about the border but the party’s stance on border security has “helped them with, certainly, Hispanic voters in Texas, in Nevada, in Arizona, a lot of the border-type states.”

While previewing the second night of the convention, Brooks said, “I agree that this is the night to test whether they go a little raw, whether they go with a little racial intonation. And they’ve certainly had, these are the two issues [the border and crime] on which they’re prone to do that. The one point I’d make is that, the Republican Party has been pretty anti-immigrant — or I should say, have been secure the borders for a long time, and, if anything, it’s helped them with, certainly, Hispanic voters in Texas, in Nevada, in Arizona, a lot of the border-type states. And so, it’s not — among different groups, views on the border and the wall are a lot more complicated than just, oh, you can tell what people think by what color their skin is.”

Co-host Amna Nawaz then stated that some GOP rhetoric has been racist, which Brooks agreed with.

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