On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that President Joe Biden “is not going to be the Democrats’ candidate for president in 2024.” And that Vice President Kamala Harris has done a bad job handling the border, while California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has an issue with his handling of the homelessness problem in California.

Maher began by saying, “The issue with President Biden isn’t if, it’s who, who will replace him, because he is not going to be the Democrats’ candidate for president in 2024. … Above any matters of politics or what’s right or wrong, the one thing I know for sure about America is this: It’s run by mean girls, mean girls in the press and in politics and in life, and when they smell blood in the water, the lust to finish off a vulnerable person will never be denied. Biden is toast.”

Maher then turned to potential replacements for Biden and stated that Harris “will get all of Biden’s campaign money, and on the Democrats’ best issue, abortion, she’s a walking reminder to women that Republicans are coming for the abortion pill. … She is Plan B. And, as a former prosecutor, Kamala was putting criminals in jail back before liberals decided that was a bad thing, and now that CVS is locking the shaving cream behind plexiglass, Democrats are coming around to her again.”

He added, “[F]or whatever reason, Harris has never been popular. … It’s not fair that she’s not popular. She’s intelligent and accomplished, and, in fact, was put in charge of the border, and look at how — okay, bad example.”

After turning to Newsom, Biden said, “The downside is that Governor of California is kind of like being conservator for Britney Spears. They’ll attack him on California’s homeless problem, but there’s a response to that: The homeless can live anywhere, but they choose California. Nine out of ten machete-wielding meth addicts say they wouldn’t be unhoused anywhere else.”

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