CNN’s Bash: We’ve Seen ‘Nefarious’ Political Violence in the Past Few Years

Host Dana Bash said Saturday on CNN’s coverage of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump that “just in the past few years,” we’ve seen political violence in a very nefarious way.

Bash said, “Yeah. I mean, I do think that this is a moment as we are still gathering information and the country, the world is trying to absorb what just happened. To go back, you know, half an hour or so to President Biden, the two of them are in the most intense competition right now to be president and to win the presidency in November and he came right out and said that Trump, Donald Trump has a right to be able to have a rally and conduct it peacefully and violence is not appropriate. That is what he should say. That again, the fact that he came out as soon as he got out of church, and as soon as he could while he is in Rehoboth is critical.”

She continued, “I just want to make one point. I’ve heard a few people say, just to put this in historical context, that this is reminiscent of the 1980s when Ronald Reagan was shot. “that is true when you look at the highest office of the land, or if somebody who was going for the highest office in the land. But political violence has been, we’ve seen political violence in a very nefarious way, just in the past few years.”

Bash added, “I mean, Nancy Pelosi’s husband was at home sleeping and somebody went into his house with a hammer and hit him on the head with it. In 2016 people died, 13 injured, including the congresswoman who is just holding an event for her constituents. I’m talking about Gabby Giffords. And so this is obviously a much different scale, a much different point in time. This is a man who was president who wants to be president again. But the notion of violence and the rhetoric and the intense anger that people are feeling bubbling up into violence is is something that has been happening over the years and it’s not just going back to 80s or even to the 60s.”

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