Biden Co-Chair Clyburn on Lack of Biden Pressers, Interviews: He’s ‘Pacing Himself’, Don’t Need ‘Trials’ of a Presser

On Friday’s broadcast of NBC’s “Today,” Biden Campaign Co-Chair Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) responded to a question on President Joe Biden doing fewer news conferences and interviews than his predecessors by stating that he thinks Biden “is pacing himself.” And that while Biden should do more town hall-style events, “I don’t want people to think that you’ve got to be going through the trials of a press conference.”

Co-host Craig Melvin asked, “He’s done fewer news conferences than any president — the last seven presidents, fewer news conferences, fewer interviews like this. Do you think this White House has shielded him too much?”

Clyburn answered, “Well, I don’t know what the magic number would be, but I do believe that he is pacing himself.”

Melvin followed up, “You can acknowledge he has not been out there as much as some of his predecessors. Has that been to his detriment?”

Clyburn responded, “I don’t know about that. I do know that all of us — I’ve been asking him to do more town hall-style meetings, because I think that he performs well when he interacts with people. And I think people feel better about him when they’re allowed to interact with him. I don’t want people to think that you’ve got to be going through the trials of a press conference. If you let the press look in on your interactions –.”

Melvin then cut in to ask, “But, Congressman, don’t you think that would help allay a lot of the concerns people have in this country, that the President’s just not up to the job, if they saw and heard him in more unscripted settings on a more regular basis?”

Clyburn responded, “Well, that may be true. I’m not saying that that won’t be the case, but I’m saying that that is not required in order to prosecute the case, get out among the people.”

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