Dem Rep. Himes: Only ‘Very Small Percentage of My Colleagues’ Are Still with Biden

Representative Jim Himes (D-CT) said Thursday on CNN’s “The Source” that only a “very small percentage” of his colleagues were still with President Joe Biden.

Host Kaitlan Collins said, “Do you expect that there are other Democrats in the house more that are going to come out. And if so, how many more do you think go.”
Himes said, “I don’t know the answer to that question. What I can tell you is that I circulate amongst my colleagues and I would tell you that there is a very small percentage of my colleagues who are ride or die, who say this is the only way to go.”

He added, “My colleagues and I are worried about two things. One, what is plan B? That’s a totally fair question. I actually think plan B looks pretty good. I don’t know what it looks like, but I think we haven’t a remarkable bench of Democrats and they’re also worried about something very legitimate, which tortured me and continues to torture me, which is we cannot be here anymore. This needs to be resolved. I don’t know, in the next five to seven days because we just went ten days where the story was not Donald Trump promising totalitarianism, it was, how is Joe Biden going to do in the big boy press conference. Wherever you are on this stuff, this needs to stop.”

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