Carl Bernstein: Dem Lawmakers Have ‘Grave Doubt’ Biden Can Win

Veteran journalist and CNN contributor Carl Bernstein said Wednesday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360″ that Democratic lawmakers in the Senate and House have grave doubt” President Joe Biden can beat former President Donald Trump in November.

Bernstein said, “Schumer is hearing from every corner, from donors from members of the Senate, from members of the House that he, as a leader of the party has got to do something to see that there is an orderly process in which the best candidate who could best defeat and face Donald Trump becomes the nominee. There’s grave doubt that that person is Joe Biden, grave doubt among Senators of the Democratic Party, grave doubt among members of the House of the Democratic Party and among the donors.”

He continued, “There is huge movement against Joe Biden running in the party right now. And that includes among the senators that Schumer is talking to and the House members. And so you have it on unprecedented situation here that Schumer is trying to keep from breaking open in a way that there is inter-party warfare.”

Bernstein added, “The prevailing feeling among members of the Democratic members of the House and Senate is Joe Biden is a weak candidate against Donald Trump after that debate and that situation has not changed. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi know that better than anybody, and they’re trying to see is there some other way forward?”

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