On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” Biden Campaign Co-Chair Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) argued that President Joe Biden is “not getting the recognition and credit for how well he is doing out on the stump, how much he connects with people.”

Coons said, “I think we should be looking at how he’s doing at the event today with the AFL-CIO, speaking to, obviously, a supportive group, they endorsed him, but, unscripted, no teleprompters. … He had a great campaign rally in North Carolina right after the debate. He gave a great speech at the Mount Airy Church in Philadelphia last Sunday. Like, he’s not getting the recognition and credit for how well he is doing out on the stump, how much he connects with people.”

He continued, “Donald Trump may have given many more press conferences, but look at what he did. On that debate stage, just two weeks ago, he unleashed a torrent of lies and invective. CNN promptly fact-checked and said, at least 30 big lies, three in one sentence at one point. So, thank you. But bluntly, in a lot of those press conferences, and in a lot of his campaign rallies now, he is saying bizarre and incoherent things. I talked to a head of state from a European country last night who said, how is it possible that former President Trump is rambling on about electrocution by sharks and exploding pine trees…at rallies and public events and no one’s asking about it and people seem only concerned about the current President? We’ve got two candidates. When Donald Trump was President, we had four bad years. Joe Biden had one bad debate night, but he’s had three-and-a-half great years of accomplishing good things for our country.”

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