CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten said Tuesday on “News Central” that Democrats will lose both the House and Senate if President Joe Biden loses in November.

Enten said, “They may be able to run slightly ahead of Joe Biden, but the fact of the matter is you look at the national polling, the generic congressional ballot choice for U.S. House, look at this CNN poll plus two Republican, Wall Street Journal poll plus three Republican, Monmouth University poll, plus three Republican. Yeah, Joe Biden may be in slightly worse shape in these polls, but the fact is when Biden is down four, five, six points in these polls, you can only run so far ahead of Joe Biden and at this particular point, at least in the race for the House, it does seem like Republicans are ahead because Donald Trump is so far ahead.”

Host John Berman said, “What is the Sentate landscape?”

Enten said, “The fact is if Donald Trump wins this election, the race for the Senate in all intents and purposes in my mind is over.”

He added, “Straight ticket voting is the way of the land these days. The idea that Democrats down ballot could somehow outrun Joe Biden is such a great extent to win control in the House or maintain control in the Senate, that it seems to me, to be an unlikely proposition.”

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