Biden Co-Chair: ‘Don’t Have a Response’ to House Dem Concerns About Biden’s Age, Health, ‘It’s a Distraction’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Ana Cabrera Reports,” Biden Campaign Co-Chair Cedric Richmond said that he doesn’t “have a response” to concerns about President Joe Biden’s age and health from Democrats in the House “because it’s a distraction.”

After playing video from Democratic members of the House who have called on Biden to leave the race, which included Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) saying that voters are bringing up concerns about Biden’s age and health and the campaign’s strategy of telling people to shut up and get in line isn’t working, host Ana Cabrera asked, “What is your response to those criticisms?”

Richmond responded, “Well, I don’t have a response to them, because it’s a distraction. The President laid out in his letter yesterday that he was committed to two things: He’s committed to finishing this race and he’s committed to beating Donald Trump and making sure that America remains on the bright trajectory that it’s on. And so, what I’ve always learned, from my grandmother and mother, is that actions speak louder than words, and if you look at the President’s actions and accomplishments, they’re historic, from reducing child poverty, taking care of seniors, largest investment in climate, the first infrastructure bill in decades, that’s all action. That’s accomplishments. And, then, on the other hand, if you look at Donald Trump, you see talk is cheap. And so, I would just urge my Democratic colleagues to stay focused on the main goal, which is to protect this country from Donald Trump and ensure that the historic gains and accomplishments of the Biden-Harris administration continue.”

Later, in response to Democratic strategist James Carville saying Biden can’t win, Richmond said we should look at actions, not words.

Richmond further argued that the debate was a bad performance, but Biden has a good track record as President. And said that Biden has “answered” concerns about his age and health and we shouldn’t lose focus on the contrast between Biden and 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump over concerns that “a few people” have.

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