Dem Rep. Smith: ‘I Had Concerns’ About Biden’s Age Before, But ‘Bought Into’ His Re-Election to Support Nominee

On Monday’s “PBS NewsHour,” House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) said that he had worries about President Joe Biden’s age before and Biden “was old when he got elected the first time. He was older when he ran the second time, and I had concerns. He had alluded to the fact that he was a bridge, he was going to run for one term. And so, I thought, yeah, we should probably get a different candidate.” But since Biden decided to run for re-election, “I bought into that and said, okay, he’s the nominee, let’s try to support him as much as possible, and I did.”

Smith stated, “I had concerns. I mean, the President was old when he got elected the first time. He was older when he ran the second time, and I had concerns. He had alluded to the fact that he was a bridge, he was going to run for one term. And so, I thought, yeah, we should probably get a different candidate. And, okay, he decided not to do that. And I bought into that and said, okay, he’s the nominee, let’s try to support him as much as possible, and I did. Again, it is how strongly I feel about it, the debate performance wasn’t just a bad night. It was catastrophic in the performance, and it hasn’t gotten a lot better since then.”

Earlier, Smith said that if Biden stays in the race, he’ll support him.

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