Dingell on Prior Bashing of Biden Age Criticisms: ‘He Was Fine’ Talking About Cars, Haven’t Spent Long Time with Him

On Wednesday’s “CNN News Central,” Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) responded to a question on her criticisms of arguments that President Joe Biden isn’t fit for office after the Hur report came out by stating that “I have not seen some of the things that other people are saying, but I haven’t been with him. I haven’t been with him for a sustained period of time, but I was at the White House a couple of weeks ago, we were talking about autos, and get that man talking about cars and he loves cars, so, he was fine.” And Biden should get out there more.

Co-host Boris Sanchez asked, “Congress[wo]man, you’ve been asked about the President’s mental acuity for months, specifically, I remember after the Hur report came out, you told my co-anchor, Brianna, that it angered you when people took cheap shots at President Biden’s fitness. There [has] been a slew of reports since Thursday detailing lapses that the President has had, both in private and in public, but you’re not concerned at all about the President’s physical and mental condition?”

Dingell responded, “Look, that’s why I said to you, he’s got — I have been with him a number of times and have not seen what others have reported. He did not have a good night Thursday night. I am not sugarcoating that. And that’s why I’ve said to you, it cannot be one press interview, he has to, on a sustained basis, show people he has the stamina. All of us have bad nights. All of us have bad days. I have not seen some of the things that other people are saying, but I haven’t been with him. I haven’t been with him for a sustained period of time, but I was at the White House a couple of weeks ago, we were talking about autos, and get that man talking about cars and he loves cars, so, he was fine. But I think he’s got to prove it to the American people, not to donors, not to even my colleagues. He’s got to prove it to the American people. He has to speak directly to the American people, work with the American people, and be out there with the American people.”

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