Breitbart editor-in-chief and New York Times bestselling Breaking Biden author Alex Marlow said Tuesday on Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow” that Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND) and Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) are in the top two slots of former President Donald Trump’s running mate race.

Host Larry Kudlow said, “You probably heard Governor Burgum. He was very humble. He didn’t want to tout himself. There is another name surfacing as a dark horse for veep, and that is Governor Glenn Youngkin from Virginia. Virginia is very much in play. What do you think about Youngkin for vice president, Alex?”

Marlow said, “Yeah, Younkin has a compelling narrative. He definitely could put Virginia in play. I think he is someone that more moderate wing, the establishment wing of the Republican Party, could get excited about. That could make it so they might be more inclined to vote for a President Trump reluctantly if they are on the fence.”

He added, “I do think from what I have heard, he is not toward the top of the list. The two names I’m hearing so much are Burgum and J.D. Vance. I think Vance offers a pretty historic opportunity. I told the president this: to have someone who is part of the ‘American First’ movement on the ticket. I don’t know if Youngkin has enough time to move up, but he certainly has his fans.”

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