Biden Campaign Adviser: Biden Slipping with Black Voters Due to ‘Misinformation’ That’s Existed Since 2020

On Monday’s broadcast of CNN International’s “Amanpour,” Biden Campaign Adviser Keisha Lance Bottoms blamed President Joe Biden slipping in the polls with black voters on the “social media slow drip with disinformation and misinformation happening from January of 2020.”

Host Christiane Amanpour asked, [relevant exchange begins around 25:40] “Why does he appear to be losing black voters? And I ask you because, … you were able to turn Georgia for the Democrats this time, but there seems to be a softening of black support.”

Bottoms answered, “What I would say is that I have four — three teenagers and a 20-something in my household. There has been a social media slow drip with disinformation and misinformation happening from January of 2020. So, I think that there’s been a targeted effort to target, especially young African Americans. But I can also say that in 2020, people didn’t believe that Georgia would turn blue. I believe that, when people begin to pay close attention, when they begin to make the comparison, when they are reminded of the disruption and chaos that we experienced under Donald Trump, that the decision will be clear. And I will also say this, we’re talking about things he did in the first term. He’s now telling us he wants to dismantle the Constitution. He’s going to go after his political enemies. And now, the Supreme Court has said, and by the way, you’ve got immunity to cover you. This is something we should all be concerned about. And I think that, when people begin to make this comparison, I think that voters, our solid base of voters, especially, will break for Joe Biden.”

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