Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Sunday on MSNBC’s “Inside” that former President Donald Trump is a dangerous and evil person.

Pelosi said, “It was a total manifesto of lies, and that’s what we saw the other night, which must be rejected, as well as his candidacy. One that stood out was abouJanuary 6th. This man would not send the National Guard. The Republicans know that. We were asking for it, begging for it to the Secretary of Defense and the president, of course, is the ultimate Commander-in-chief and he would not send it. For him to go on TV and lie about that, the instigator of the insurrection against the Congress of the United States, against the Constitution of the United States, against the Capital of the United States and just pass it off, that was tough.”

She continued, “But in terms of what it means at the kitchen table for America’s working families, for him to talk about Roe v. Wade the way he did, either he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, or he’s totally lying or both, it’s a terrible combination.”

Pelosi added, “He saying he did this and he did that. In terms of COVID, it was terrible, his denial and his delay killed people. What he did oJanuary 6 6, people died or were hurt. This is a dangerous person, and evil.”

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