On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that while he thinks Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran want 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump to beat President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election, Trump did have a good moment when he pointed out that Russia took land from Ukraine when Biden was VP during the Obama administration and took land from Ukraine under Biden, but didn’t do so while Trump was in office.

Maher began by saying that Trump and Biden “got into it a little bit last night about foreign affairs and the growing strategic alliance that is going on between what I would call dictator countries, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran.” And all those countries “like” Trump and want him to be president.

He added, “I did think Trump had a good moment when he said, Putin took land under Biden, he took land under Obama, but he wouldn’t do it under me.”

Maher further stated, “But he also said — Trump said last week, he said, right now, we have the largest trade deficit we’ve ever had with China, like over a trillion. It’s a quarter of that.” And that Trump “just pulls things out of his ass.”

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