On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow,” Breitbart News economics editor John Carney stated that 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump “got an assist from Joe Biden, because Joe Biden just lied about the economy over and over and over again” during Thursday’s debate, “And that’s really damaging,” because Biden’s trying to sell himself as the honest candidate.

Carney said that during the debate [relevant remarks begin around 1:15] Trump “really honed in on defending all of his past economic performance, and then he put forward what he’s going to do next. He successfully defended tariffs against a ridiculous attack from Joe Biden, who said that they were attacks on the middle class. And he got an assist from Joe Biden, because Joe Biden just lied about the economy over and over and over again. And that’s really damaging, because look at what Joe said, I’m the truth-teller. That’s what Barack Obama said. They’re trying to sell him as the truth-teller. The very first question was about the economy, why do people feel better — why do people feel they were better under Trump than Biden? And Biden said, when I took over, the economy was in ruin. But it was not in ruins. We had grown 33%. He grew 4%.”

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