Brooks: Biden Tried to Use ‘Fiscal Stimulus’ to Get Himself Re-Elected

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that President Joe Biden had a strategy to win the 2024 race of “use fiscal stimulus to really turbocharge the election, you get these working-class voters coming to your side.”

Brooks said that the panic over Biden’s debate performance is justified, adding, “I went back today and looked at the 2020 presidential debates with Biden, and he looks like a very different person. And so, this defeat [with] Biden was not like Obama’s defeat with Mitt Romney in 2012, where he had a bad day. This is about fundamental with-it-ness ability.”

He continued, “To win an election, you have to have a strategy. And Biden has gone through several, what I thought were plausible strategies. Big, plausible strategy number one, use fiscal stimulus to really turbocharge the election, you get these working-class voters coming to your side. Didn’t work. Second, really create a positive economy, so everybody’s prospering. Inflation. And the third strategy was, the State of the Union address really worked for Joe Biden, so let’s move up the debate, and he’ll prove that he’s vibrant and young enough to beat this guy. And that’s the third failed strategy. So, I don’t know if it’s time for me or anybody to call for him to step down, but I want to see a strategy.”

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