Pelosi Says It Is a ‘Guarantee’ that Trump Will Enact National Abortion Ban if He Wins

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said on Wednesday on MSNBC’s “All In” that if former President Donald Trump wins the November election, there will be a national abortion ban.

Pelosi said, “We observed the two-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision and I can tell you this week that we had events all over, talking about how we had to reverse that decision with law and enshrining Roe v. Wade in the law of the land. And also how people see it as a kitchen table issue because this is an economic issue for families, the size and timing of their families or if they are going to have a family. It is a freedom issue, it is a democracy issue. It is about freedom for women to make their own choices.”

She continued, “One thing they will know is the difference between Joe Biden and the former president of the United States. If the other guy wins there will be no question, there will be a national abortion ban in our country.”

She added, “How many Republicans do you think in the House of Representatives voted for a woman to have the right to contraception? One-hundred-ninety-five Republicans voted no. Women do not have a right to contraception. We are not talking abortion, we are talking contraception, so this is about, they don’t believe in birth control, but they do believe in controlling women.”

Pelosi concluded, “If he wins…and we have to make sure he doesn’t for a lot of reasons but one of them is there will be an abortion ban in our country that is a guarantee.”

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