CNN host Chris Wallace said Wednesday on “The Situation Room” that President Joe Biden wanted an early debate because he was behind in the polls.

Wallace said, “Well, you know, Biden is doing it the conventional way, although I have to say a week of preparation is pretty extreme. I’ve never heard.”

Host Wolf Blitzer said, “He has been hunkered down at Camp David.”

Wallace said, “Yeah with about a dozen people and I wonder there’s such a thing as over preparation? Trump for whatever reason has never liked the idea of formal debates and somebody playing his opponent, people playing the moderators. He likes to just wing it and discuss things with people. That’s just the trump style. If he does well tomorrow, it’ll work. If it doesn’t it’ll be a bad idea.”

Blitzer said, “Biden clearly wanted this early debate to try to shake things up a bit in the polls that are ongoing right now, how does he do that?”

Wallace said, “The talk is that he’s going to be very forceful. This is coming from the White House, very forceful in pointing out the differences between them obviously on reproductive rights, on democracy and just behavior and conduct and integrity and the fact that one of them is a convicted felon. Yes, I’m sure Trump will strike back and talk about Hunter Biden, but that’s the son that’s not the man himself. So I just think they felt if we continue in this way will be in September and will still be behind, we need to shake this race up and one way the other for good or real for both of these guys tomorrow night will shake things.”

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