Biden Campaign: Trump Exploiting Tragic Migrant Crimes, Crime Is Down, Biden’s Relentless Trying to Solve Border

On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” Biden-Harris Campaign Communications Director Michael Tyler argued that 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is exploiting crimes committed by migrants and that “every last one of these is a tragedy. We understand that, the President understand[s] that, but we’re not going to let Donald Trump misconstrue the facts. The fact of the matter is, that crime went up under Donald Trump’s presidency. Crime is down under Joe Biden’s presidency. Donald Trump doesn’t care about crime. He doesn’t care about border security.” Tyler also stated that President Joe Biden is “actually trying to bring people together, relentlessly, to fix our problems. That’s true of border security.”

Host Jonathan Capehart asked, “Michael, Trump often uses the [phrase] Biden migrant crime in talking about immigration. He’ll likely use that phrase on Thursday. But, the question is, how will the President respond if he does it?”

Tyler answered, “Yeah, listen, Donald Trump — there is no tragedy that Donald Trump won’t try to exploit for his own personal gain. Obviously, every last one of these is a tragedy. We understand that, the President understand[s] that, but we’re not going to let Donald Trump misconstrue the facts. The fact of the matter is, that crime went up under Donald Trump’s presidency. Crime is down under Joe Biden’s presidency. Donald Trump doesn’t care about crime. He doesn’t care about border security. I think that’s evident by the fact that he’s the one who blew up the border security deal, when we had a bipartisan deal in the Senate. With the President, you have somebody who’s actually trying to bring people together, relentlessly, to fix our problems. That’s true of border security. That’s true of every challenge that the American people face. And so, that’s, again, a fundamental contrast that the American people are going to see on the debate stage on Thursday night.”

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