NBC’s Todd: There Was ‘Sort of a Good Motivation’ Behind ‘Mainstream News’ ‘Deplatforming Trump’ Like Left Wanted

On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Chris Jansing Reports,” NBC News Chief Political Analyst Chuck Todd stated that there was an idea “by the left, in general,” “that deplatforming Trump was going to make him go away.” And that “mainstream news organizations” joined in with this idea, something that while he thinks was a tactical error, had “sort of a good motivation behind it, a rationale that I understand behind it.”

Todd said there has been “a total mistake by the left, in general, which is this idea that deplatforming Trump was going to make him go away. I think if you want people to decide that they’ve had enough of Trump, expose them to Trump, don’t hide Trump from them.”

He continued, “And I do think that he is — one of his great strengths is that he has created an alternative media ecosystem, and he only created the alternative ecosystem because mainstream platforms like Meta and Twitter and mainstream news organizations stopped covering and carrying him. And I understand that there was sort of a good motivation behind it, a rationale that I understand behind it. But I think it was sort of — I’m a believer that the best way to expose something is sunlight.”

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