Schweizer: Biden Protecting Those People Who Sent Him Money, Rather than Protecting the American People

On Sunday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Life, Liberty & Levin,” Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer, a Breitbart News senior contributor and the author of “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans,” argued President Joe Biden’s decisionmaking has been impacted by corrupt influences abroad.

According to Schweizer, the financial interests of the elder Biden and his family members have influenced him to protect those who give him money.

“So Peter, I want you to discuss this with us and the American people. I’m going to ask you bluntly: Is Joe Biden a crook?” host Mark Levin asked.

“Yes, I think there’s no question about it, Mark. Look, here’s what we know — these are all facts,” Schweizer replied. “They’re not in dispute. The Biden family has received tens of millions of dollars from foreign actors that they have lived off of for the last several years. That money started flowing when? When Joe Biden became vice president of the United States. This money, the vast majority of it came from individuals in China, Ukraine, and Russia. The vast majority of whom have ties to foreign intelligence services and foreign criminal networks.”

“There is no discernible legitimate business function that any of this money was compensation for — zero, none,” he continued. “We know that Joe Biden received hundreds of thousands of dollars of this money via his brother. We know that his brother received the money. We know that Hunter Biden received the money. We know what Hunter Biden does assured that money to three generations of the Biden family. So that is the reality of what we’re facing and we are talking about not just corruption in the fact that the Bidens received this money, Mark, and who they receive it from. It has directly affected Joe Biden’s posture and position as president of the United States such that he is making decisions that protect those people that sent him money, rather than protecting the American people.”

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