Behar: GOP Should Post Ten Commandments at Mar-a-Lago

Joy Behar told her co-host Thursday on ABC’s “The View” that Republicans should display the Ten Commandments at the Florida estate of former President Donald Trump.

Behar said, “They want to post it in schools. I say post it at Mar-a-Lago and put a picture of Stormy Daniels next to it.”

She added, “He has broken 11 commandments and there’s a wait list. I mean, this guy has gone above and beyond and yet these so-called Christians are going to vote for him.”

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg said, “I don’t know. this bothers me to no end, because I grew up and you were allowed to believe how you believed. It wasn’t really stuff you discussed with other people. You had your beliefs, you had your religious thing and if you weren’t religious, nobody knew.”

She continued, “I have the same respect for my child that I have for yours. I’m not asking you to believe what I believe. I’m not asking your kid to believe what I believe. Public school is public school which means everybody can go to public school. I don’t understand why, if you want your child to have a religious education, send them to a religious school. There’s nothing stopping you. Get out of my pocket, get out of my body, and get out of my school.”

Goldberg added, “Y’all are playing a dangerous game with this, a very dangerous game.”

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