Cotton: Democrats ‘Need to Be Prepared for Defeat’

On Tuesday on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said his Democratic Party counterparts needed to prepare for defeat as the November election approaches.

The Arkansas Republican cited immigration, noting that some liberal activists are preparing for another Trump presidency.

“Senator, none of this is really surprising,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said. “Conservative groups — they try to stop, you know, what the Democrat presidents do as well with the variety of things. But I think more interesting is what advice would you give to the Trump team knowing the resistance is out there for his first 100 days?

“Yes, Laura, it’s not surprising at all,” Cotton replied. “I’d say the only thing I agree with all of these people on is that they need to be prepared for defeat, this November. You saw another example today of Joe Biden putting the interest of illegal aliens ahead of Americans by giving a mass amnesty program without legal authority. We knew that these left-wing activists and governors would swing into action once President Trump wins, try to handcuff his actions.”

“Look at the issues on which they care most about, though the one thing that that article talks most about is immigration,” he continued. “And of course, who are they going to go to bat for, foreign, illegal aliens who are in our country, the kind of people who just brutally murdered and raped Rachel Morin or raped at knifepoint a 13-year-old girl in New York. That’s the kind of people that these organizations want to go to bat for.”

Cotton added, “So, I think President Trump recognizes that. He’s ready for it. He’s got a great team around him. They’re going to hit the ground running in 2025, and they’re going to make sure the actions they take are legally airtight, and they’re litigated promptly to a resolution that supports the American people, doesn’t support the interests of foreigners.”

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