Dem Chicago Alderman: We Must Ignore ‘White Progressives’ on Crime, They’re Getting Rich off Hurting Us

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Chicago Alderman David Moore, who also serves as a Democratic Committeeperson, stated that the city must “stop listening to all of these activists” and the “white progressives” who “are making a whole bunch of money to tell black people what to do in their community and telling them to stop things like car stops in order to get guns and drugs off the street.”

Moore stated that the city needs “this administration and certain policies to uncuff — to take the handcuffs off of our police. We have to make sure that they have the tools, including the item called ShotSpotter that detect[s] gunshots, making sure that they have the tools that they need to combat these problems. We need to stop listening to all of these activists, who, I have to be honest with you, where white progressives are making a whole bunch of money to tell black people what to do in their community and telling them to stop things like car stops in order to get guns and drugs off the street. And so, these type[s] of policies are hurting our communities, are keeping young people from being able to come out and play, and seniors able to sit on their porches.”

Co-host Lawrence Jones then asked, “So, Alderman, you just made a great point, and I think everybody should listen. The people that are advocating for these policies don’t live in the community where they have to deal with the consequences. Did I get that right?”

Moore answered, “If I can say a church word, amen, hallelujah. You’re absolutely right, and that’s what this is about.”

Moore added that there are “rich white progressives, who want their policies pushed in order to keep poor people down, because there’s profit in poverty.”

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