Dem Chicago Alderman: Johnson Will Ensure DNC Doesn’t Show Crime, He’s Keeping Program to Protect DNC He’ll Axe

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Chicago Alderman David Moore, who also serves as a Democratic Committeeperson, stated that the city’s crime problem won’t be shown when the Democratic National Convention is held in the city because there will be a strong police presence, and because the ShotSpotter technology that Mayor Brandon Johnson has vowed to end will be kept in place through the convention.

Co-host Lawrence Jones asked, “So, Alderman, the convention is going to be there. The Democratic National Convention’s going to be in Chicago this year, and you guys have been dealing with a lot of violence there. Do you believe having the convention there is going to show the problem at large, or do they find somebody to clean up the city just for the convention?”

Moore responded, “Well, it’s not going to show the problem at large for the simple fact…that this administration wants to extend, like I was talking about, ShotSpotter, through the DNC. But you don’t want it after the DNC. So, we want ShotSpotter there to protect the dignitaries and the highfalutin people, but we don’t need it to protect the everyday people. The other part is, the DNC won’t be on 1264 West 73rd Place. They will be in the beautiful downtown area [with] lots of police, lots of state police, lots of federal police, and so you’re going to see a different Chicago, instead of the two Chicagos that we know of.”

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