Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that if former President Donald Trump asked him to be his running mate on the Republican ticket, he would consider it.

Anchor Jake Tapper said, “So the Republican National Convention kicks off in Milwaukee in less than a month. Donald Trump is set to unveil his running mate. You are one of the top contenders. Do you want to be vice president?”

Cotton said, “Well, I think the president asked you to serve in any capacity of our great nation, you’d have to consider it, but I also know that there’s probably one person who knows who’s on his shortlist. And I suspect the president will make a decision about his vice president when he’s ready. And it’ll be a good decision for him in a ticket but, more importantly, a good decision for the country.”

Tapper asked, “But you would say yes?”

Cotton said, “If he asked if the president asked me to serve in any capacity, I would, of course, entertain it. But right now, I’m very happy being a senator representing the people of Arkansas and working to elect President Trump.”

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