Dem Rep. Moore: Trump Arriving with 34 Felonies Will Increase Milwaukee’s Crime Rate

Representative Gwen Moore (D-WI) said Thursday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word” that former President Trump arriving in Milwaukee with his “34 felony counts” for the Republican National Convention next month would increase the city’s crime rate.

When asked about reports that Trump said Milwaukee was a horrible city, Moore said, “Donald Trump is projecting on the city of Milwaukee horrible things that really pertain to his own character. I mean, he’s a horrible person. It’s not just these 34 felony counts, but he’s a sexual assaulter, and there are 54 more counts out against him for really trying to undermine our elections and undermine and really inspiring an insurrection. So he’s a horrible person.”

She continued, “The mayor of Milwaukee has worked very, very hard with all of the Republicans there in town to make sure that this convention is successful and has all the resources that it needs. I personally hounded the appropriators, both Democrats and Republicans, to increase the security budget by another $25,000 so it’s $1 million, to make sure the delegates would be safe and have a good time in Milwaukee. And to have this slap in the face and to call us horrible is a disgrace and it shows his extreme ingratitude.”

Moore added, “I don’t know many people in Milwaukee who have 34 felony counts against them. So our crime rate sure is going to go up when he joins us in Milwaukee in July.”

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