Lindsey Graham: ‘On Day One, President Trump Will Deport People Here Illegally by the Tens of Thousands’

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Sunday on CBS’s Face the Nation” that if elected “on day one President Trump will deport people here illegally by the tens of thousands.”

Partial transcript as follows:

BRENNAN: In this past year, the Biden administration deported, expelled or repatriated more than 740,000 people, which they say is more than any year since 2010. You this week said there need to be mass deportations. Aren’t those numbers mass deportations?

GRAHAM: Well look. They’ve had 10 million people coming to this country illegally. It’s the highest level of ill- illegal immigration in the last three years in the history of the country. We went from the lowest under Trump to the highest in recorded history. They’re never going to stop coming until–


GRAHAM: –they see people leaving. On day one- on day one, President Trump will deport people here illegally by the tens of thousands. Then and only then will this stop, and Biden will never do that.

BRENNAN: Well, you also know that Congress would have to provide the resources to do that to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, and they say they don’t have the manpower or the money to do any of that at that scale.

GRAHAM: Well, if- if Trump is president- if Trump is president, his top priority will- seal that border, deport here people illegally. We’re living on borrowed time when it comes to another 9/11. if you’re looking for somebody to fix a broken border and keep us safe, Donald Trump, I believe, is your best choice. And if you don’t believe that, after the last three years, you make- you’re making a big mistake.


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