MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill said Monday on “Deadline” that former President Donald Trump exhibited “classic mob behavior” during his legal maneuvers.

Host Nicolle Wallace said, “I read all the DOJ indictments of Donald Trump. I don’t believe witness tampering is one of them.”

She added, “I know he’s been charged for the obstruction piece of Mar-a-Lago, but it’s abundantly clear that trial will never happen, certainly not in judge aileen cannon’s courtroom. There is this issue that if all of your legal education comes from ‘Law & Order,’ I don’t know that you know the fancy legal terms but the central tenet is if someone’s going to keep doing this thing over and over again the system has failed. Trump continues to tamper with witnesses over and over and over again.”

McCaskill said, “This is really classic mob behavior. You take care of people that take care to not talk to law enforcement. You take care of them. You take care of people who take a hit for you. Look at all the people who have gone down for Donald Trump and they have not come forward.”

She added, “I mean, Manafort, they’re trying to bring Manafort back in, for gosh sakes. I would use another word but I’m trying to be polite in this afternoon hour.”

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