Maxine Waters: Republicans ‘Don’t Have the Courage or the Patriotism to Stand Up for Democracy’

Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said on this week’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Saturday Show” that Republican men and women didn’t have “the courage or the patriotism to stand up for democracy.”

Host Jonathan Capehart said, “I’m starting with you, because you predicted years ago, you said I’m counting on Stormy. Your reaction to Thursday’s incredible verdict?”

Waters said, “It’s a sad day. I’m still shocked and amazed that his supporters would follow him with the lies and the distortions that he continues to give to the American people. He says it is rigged. He says, if they can do this to me, they can do it to you, bringing in others to cover the lies that he is telling.”

She added, “I’m amazed that those who claim to be so patriotic are so unpatriotic. I’m watching not only what happened January 6 in Washington D.C. but what is happening now. The men and women in the Republican Party don’t have the courage or the patriotism to stand up for democracy. This former president is wrong, when ever he loses, wherever he is loses, he’ll say it is rigged. He will say somehow he doesn’t deserve to have to be lawful. As the president said, no one is above the law. Those jurors on that jury are to be commended for what they have done. You had seven men and five women who stepped up to the plate and did the hard work and rolled out to America and told America the truth. This man is guilty, not one time, two times, three times, but on all 34 counts. that’s amazing.”

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