Alex Marlow: Hunter Biden’s Gun Charges an ‘Open and Shut Case’

Bestselling Breaking Biden author and Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow said on this week’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “Sunday Agenda” that President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s upcoming trial on felony gun charges is “open and shut.”

Host Lidia Curanaj said, “Haley Biden, she is the one that got supposedly dumped the gun in a dumpster, you know, what do you think, Alex, how crucial will her testimony be? And then we hear that Joe Biden, he paid a visit to her. I mean, what do you think about this?”

Marlow said, “You see why the Democrats were so enthusiastic to call Donald Trump a convicted felon and to get that talking point, because they know this is a problem for them.”

He continued, “He clearly lied, Haley was a part of it. He’s had, of course, a long history of drug use, which is well known. It’s why he had to leave the military. And the weapon did end up in a dumpster and it appears pretty clear that Haley was involved with that. So this should be an open and shut case.”

Marlow added, “But I’ll tell you one thing here, which is a bit of a trap, and I spent a year and a half researching the Bidens, I put out a New York times best selling book called Breaking Biden about the Bidens. I only spent a couple of paragraphs on this case, and I’ll tell you why, it’s because this seems to be the only one that doesn’t directly implicate Joe. Now, there was some reports that were pretty vague that perhaps the government intervened, intervened on Hunter’s behalf at one point. But there’s a bit of a trap here, because this is of all the corruption Hunter’s engaged in over his lifetime this is one that just seems mostly isolated to him. So I’m excited about it. but this is a little bit of a distraction compared to some of the horrible corruption he’s engaged in over his lifetime.”

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