Dem Rep. Meeks: I Don’t Know About Biden Blocking Hur Audio, But GOP’s Bad for Going After Garland

On Thursday’s “MTP Now,” Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) said that he doesn’t know the particulars about President Joe Biden asserting executive privilege over audio recordings from Special Counsel Robert Hur but also criticized Republicans for considering a contempt resolution for Attorney General Merrick Garland over his refusal to hand over the recordings.

Meeks said, “I don’t know the circumstances of that particular situation. I’ve not had that conversation. The fact of the matter is, the statement that you’re telling me is new to me. So, I would defer on that.”

Later, host Yamiche Alcindor asked “[Y]our Republican colleagues are making — are marking up a contempt resolution for A.G. Garland over his refusal to hand over the audio. Do you believe that that’s the right thing to do? Do you think that that’s where they should be going here?”

Meeks answered, “Look, the Republicans, from the time that they’ve been in charge, they’ve done nothing other than have these baseless — and wanting subpoenas and trying to impeach individuals and for no reason, it goes nowhere, it’s just messaging, it’s trying to divide the nation. They’ve not accomplished anything. The fact of the matter is, if it wasn’t for Democrats stepping up and saving them to some degree, as we did with the speaker, as we did with the budget, as we did with the bills to give Ukraine and Israel the dollars that they want — that they needed, nothing would happen. So, in effect, they’ve done nothing, continued to do nothing, and it’s only when we decide that we’re tired of doing nothing and sitting on the sidelines, let’s step up and let’s get something done for the American people, let’s put people over politics, that’s what Democrats are focused on, and the Republicans are just focused on themselves, division, and argument and dysfunction. The MAGA Republicans have proven that they cannot govern.”

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