During an interview aired on Monday’s “PBS NewsHour,” Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) stated that abortion “is the most profound kitchen table issue that we have. It’s not separate from inflation. It’s not separate from the economy.” And she wants Democrats to say they have a ten-year plan to codify Roe v. Wade at the federal level.

Slotkin said, “We have to understand that most people see this as a kitchen table issue. A decision about whether to have a child or not is the most profound kitchen table issue that we have. It’s not separate from inflation. It’s not separate from the economy. It’s like your whole family trajectory and whether you’re going to be able to afford that life.”

She also stated, “What I want to do is to say, publicly, to the whole country, that we have a ten-year plan to get back to a federal right to an abortion. We’re not just going to let it just be a state issue. We’re actually going to organize and mobilize to do the thing we didn’t do for 50 years, which is pass a piece of federal legislation to codify Roe.

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