Founder of Republican Voters Against Trump Sarah Longwell said Tuesday on CNN’s “The Lead” that former president Donald Trump’s plans for a second term were “terrifying.”

Host Jake Tapper said, “What struck you most about the Time magazine interview?”

Longwell said, “Just how much Donald Trump talked about what he wanted to do going forward. I got to tell you this piece was it is terrifying, but also so important that everybody go read it because there has been so little attention paid to what Donald Trump says. He’s going to do in his next time, there’s a lot of speculation, a lot of fear about what he’s gonna do. The things that were laid out in this piece show that people are right to be afraid. It’s so funny the juxtaposition and by funny, I don’t mean funny ha-ha but terrifying the way that he says, ‘Well, I’m not going to be a dictator. I’m just joking. Also, let me tell you how I’m going to manipulate the Department of Justice and fire people who don’t do exactly what I want and put a bunch of loyalists into the into all of these civil servant offices.’ That is exactly what people are saying when they’re talking about dictator.”

She added, “So I was impressed by how much this reporter got out of him. I think it’s really important that we understand right now the trials make us focus on sort of what Trump did before. And we do have to at some point really start thinking about what Trump 2.0 is going to look like for this country.”

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