Former Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) said Monday on CNN’s “OutFront” that Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) had “backbone” for advancing foreign aid funding in separate bills, which did not include border security funding as many in his caucus preferred.

Buck said, “I think Mike Johnson’s on the right side of history. And I think that Republicans and Democrats will rally around someone who is showing leadership on Capitol Hill. It is a rare commodity on Capitol Hill. Mike has the backbone to move forward with very important and controversial legislation. The vote should be to vote for or against this package, not to vote for or against the speaker if you don’t like this package, that is not something that should be happening. I think Mike survives.”

Guest host Erica Hill said, “So you think he survives. What about this coalition itself? Democrats Marjorie Taylor Greene as you just heard her saying, ‘Oh, there must be some deal with Democrats here. What did he give up for them? They may be expecting something in return.’ We know some Republicans want to punish Johnson as we just heard, for reaching across the aisle. What about this bipartisan dynamic could it last?”

Buck said, “I’m not surprised at all about the coalition. I think the coalitions are based on the particular legislation that’s going to the floor and not necessarily a standing collision that some Republicans have with some Democrats.”

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