Top House Intel. Dem: Need FISA Reauthorization Because World’s ‘Much More Dangerous’ Than in 2019 Under Trump

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Ana Cabrera Reports,” House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) stated that FISA reauthorization must get done because “it is a much more dangerous world today than it was five years ago. Terrorism concerns are up, China, Russia, Iran, North Korea.”

Himes said, “It cannot lapse, and I don’t often make unconditional statements, but it cannot lapse. It is our single most important intelligence tool. To illustrate that, I will tell you that, in excess of 60% of the entries in the president’s daily brief — this is our most exquisite intelligence…product — come from 702. If you turn on any channel, you will see that it is a much more dangerous world today than it was five years ago. Terrorism concerns are up, China, Russia, Iran, North Korea. Now the allowing of this collection tool to lapse would be a catastrophe. Yes, it does need to be reformed substantially. We are doing that. But nobody should be suggesting that we should allow this thing to lapse, because there is no doubt in my mind that lots more fentanyl would get into the country, more Americans will die, the Chinese and the Russians, by the way, will pop champagne if this dysfunctional Congress allows that authority to lapse.”

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