O’Reilly: ‘Worst Campaigner Since Herbert Hoover’ — Ron DeSantis Is ‘Through’

Former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly said Monday on NewsNation’s Iowa caucus coverage that Republican presidential hopeful Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) is “the worst campaigner since Herbert Hoover.”

O’Reilly said, “There was ever any doubt in my mind that Trump would win the MAGA people in Iowa. I mean, his his place and you add to that the fact that Ron DeSantis who had a shot, probably the worst campaigner since Herbert Hoover. I had him on a level with Herb.”

He continued, “He’s a terrible campaigner. Just awful. He’s stiff, he doesn’t look like he cares about the folks, he can’t get his message across without repeating himself 15 times. He’s boring. And in this day and age, you can’t be boring, and he is. So he’s through. He can go to South Carolina, he can go to Guam, he can go anywhere he wants. He’s not beating Trump.”

He added, “You can challenge a monster like Donald trump with a personality like Ron DeSantis, can’t be done. Nikki Haley, she’s going out entirely different way, putting together a ‘coalition of the willing’ to quote Bush, the younger. The willing are the people don’t want Trump in the Republican Party and there are 30% of them.”

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