CNN’s Flores: Some of 11K Migrants Waiting to Cross Know They Don’t Qualify for Asylum, But Know They’ll Be Released

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “OutFront,” CNN Correspondent Rosa Flores stated that according to a shelter director she spoke to, some of the 11,000 migrants waiting in shelters in Mexico to enter the United States “know that they don’t qualify for asylum in the U.S.” But despite that, “many of them are still trying to enter the United States and plan to seek asylum,” because they’ve seen and heard from other migrants who came to the U.S. earlier that you can cross the border, turn yourself in, claim asylum, and then be released into the interior of the United States while you await your asylum hearing.

Flores said, “Now, back to those 11,000 migrants in northern Mexican cities, one shelter director telling me that some of those migrants know that they don’t qualify for asylum in the U.S. But asylum is the law in the United States. And so, many of them are still trying to enter the United States and plan to seek asylum, many of them blinded by the videos and voice messages that they’ve received from other migrants who have crossed the border, turned themselves in to immigration authorities, and have been released to American communities.”

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