DeSantis: Trump’s Immigrant Remarks Do Not Help Us Move ‘Forward’

Republican presidential candidate Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) said Thursday on the Christian Broadcasting Network’s “700 Club” that former President Donald Trump repeating that immigrants were “poisoning the blood” of the country is not helpful.

Host David Brody said, “The hope is that some GOP voters will grow tired of all the controversies. The latest one when Trump talked about the border and certain illegal immigrants poisoning the blood of the country that language has been compared to a similar phrase by Adolf Hitler.”

He continued, “He’s gotten a lot of pushback on that. I want to get your reaction to that too those words that he used.”

DeSantis said, “When you start talking using those types of terms, I don’t think that that helps us move the ball forward.”

He added, “I would not put it in those terms. I want to stop the invasion at the border 100% but then legal immigration should really only be for people that buy into our core values as a country and that actually want to assimilate into American society.”

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