Cuellar: Factors Dems Blame for Border ‘Have Been There for a Long, Long Time’ — We’re Incentivizing People to Come

On Tuesday’s broadcast of NewsNation’s “The Hill,” Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) stated that the “push factors” that propel people to come to the United States that Democrats like to talk about have existed “for a long, long time” and “What’s different now is the pull factor is that they feel that they can get to the border, go to New York, go somewhere else, then wait four or five years,” he also said that “We’re just not enforcing the laws that we have on the books now.”

Cuellar said, “Democrats talk about push factors. Republicans talk about the pull factors. Look, those push factors have been there for a long, long time. What’s different now is the pull factor is that they feel that they can get to the border, go to New York, go somewhere else, then wait four or five years, maybe give a wrong address, — like the IG report came out — and then, 90% of them that do show up are going to be rejected, because asylum law is very clear. You’ve got to have state persecution based on five things: nationality, race, political, religion, and social class, if you don’t fit in that, and most of those people are economic folks that are coming in, crime doesn’t get you here, looking for a job doesn’t get you here. It’s got to be one of those five categories. We’re just not enforcing the laws that we have on the books now.”

Cuellar also stated that we have to get Mexico to do more about the issue.

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