GOP Rep. Rosendale: ‘I Do Not Believe’ You’re Going to Get a Removal of Biden from Impeachment

Tuesday on FBN’s “Mornings with Maria,” Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT) said the prospects of removing President Joe Biden from office from an impeachment proceeding in the U.S. Senate were slim.

However, he said there was enough evidence that was actionable by the Department of Justice.

“Is it fair to say this is the priority going into year-end?” FBN host Maria Bartiromo said. “I mean, you only have a few more weeks there at work before Christmas. So, is this the priority getting that supplemental money to Israel and Ukraine? And what about the impeachment process? Where’s that?”
“So again, the supplemental is a whole sidebar. We’ve already passed legislation to provide funding where it needs to go,” Rosendale replied. “When we start having conversations about the impeachment process. That is something that I personally I am focused on as well.”

“I’ve joined along with many of my colleagues to support the impeachment resolutions of Mayorkas,” he continued. “I do not believe that you’re probably going to be able to get an impeachment or removal of President Biden. But I do think that if our Department of Justice acted in a legitimate manner, that there’s enough facts that are already laid out there on the table, because of all the great work that Jamie Comer has done that we can see that the Biden crime family has major problems and I think the Department of Justice should be picking up a lot of this and starting to make charges and prosecutions.”

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