On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Inside Politics,” Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) stated that Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) spread disinformation about Israel bombing a hospital in Gaza “and that disinformation leads to more antisemitism. I think it leads to more destruction and terror and death.”

After saying that he would support Rep. Richard McCormick’s (R-GA) censure resolution, Gottheimer stated, “I’ve really grappled with the fact of, over the last weeks…Ms. Tlaib came out a couple of weeks ago after the hospital bombing — which was awful — the bombing next to the parking lot. But there was the news that came out on many stations that that actually was Israel doing it, and the truth came out thereafter, not listening to Hamas’ intelligence, but to American intelligence, and that was launched by Islamic Jihad, that bomb that hit next to the hospital. And I asked Ms. Tlaib to please take down the false information, the disinformation that it was Israel that had bombed that hospital, and, as you know, she has yet to take that information down or change the story there. And these things have a huge impact on the rest of the world. Millions of people listen to what members of Congress like Ms. Tlaib say, and that disinformation leads to more antisemitism. I think it leads to more destruction and terror and death. And now claiming that — and saying that — and repeating ‘river to the sea’ on a video that she put out, including saying the president of the United States supports genocide, those things are just unacceptable. And I think there has to be [a] consequence for saying things that will lead to destruction, antisemitism, and terror.”

He added that “when you say things knowingly, and when people ask you to please not to say those things or to correct them, to take them down, many people have asked for that, many people have requested that she not spread this information — this disinformation, which causes more antisemitism and harm, and she’s chosen not to. So, I think there just has to be [a] consequence for that. And the House has a vehicle to do that.”

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