On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Rep. argued that Israel should allow fuel into Gaza even though there is a risk “that some of that will wind up in the hands of Hamas.” Because “the risk of having the world watch as the people in Gaza suffer horribly is also a big risk to Israel that I hope they will properly balance.”

Smith stated, [relevant remarks begin around 1:05] “Now, what Israel does need to do is they need to be concerned about the humanitarian situation in Gaza. I think it’s a mistake to block humanitarian aid, to block food, water, medical supplies, even fuel. Blocking fuel creates a humanitarian crisis and I think ultimately undermines Israel’s mission to defeat Hamas by building support for them in the broader Arab Muslim community and elsewhere. So, no, there shouldn’t be a ceasefire. But the world needs to work together, as the Biden administration has led, to get humanitarian assistance into civilians in Gaza. I know there’s risk in that. The risk is that some of that will wind up in the hands of Hamas. But the risk of having the world watch as the people in Gaza suffer horribly is also a big risk to Israel that I hope they will properly balance.”

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