Hawley: Who Is Funding Student Groups Conducting Anti-Israel Protests?

Thursday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Hannity,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) criticized the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel reactions that have reportedly occurred on college campuses around the country, including Harvard.

The Missouri Republican questioned those student groups’ funding sources and why university administrators have seemingly turned a blind eye to the on-campus behavior.

“You know, and that same institution, Sean, as I recall, was quick to fly the flag of Ukraine over Harvard Yard,” he said. “But now, when Israel is under attack, there are terrorists murdering children, cutting off the heads of babies. They want to wipe Israel off the face of the map. Let’s be honest. They would kill every Jew in the world if they could. That’s what the terrorists want. And to be silent in the face of that or to celebrate it as these crazy student groups are doing?”

“What I want to know is who is funding these student groups,” Hawley continued. “I hope the DoJ is investigating where the money is coming from. Are there terror groups who are part of these networks who are infiltrating our campuses? I mean, this is crazy stuff we’re seeing on these campuses. And for these administrators to have their hand out to take federal money, taxpayer money, and at the same time be silent or silently condone this kind of terrorism — it is just grotesque.”

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