McCaskill: ‘Incredibly Depressing’ So Many Americans ‘Fooled’ by Trump

MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill said Tuesday on “Deadline” that she found it “incredibly depressing” that so many Americans have been “fooled” by former President Donald Trump.

Discussing President Joe Biden’s campaign, McCaskill said, “I think he’s trying to do what Liz Cheney did with the January 6 Committee, and that is to escape the drip, drip, drip of depressing facts about what has happened in America and elevate the conversation to something much bigger, much broader, much more important, and that’s our values.”

She continued, “That’s the values this country was founded upon. You know, our country has been the beacon on the hill for the rule of law. We have been a beacon on the hill for individual rights and respecting elections and the peaceful transfer of power.”

McCaskill concluded, “It is, frankly, easy for me to get depressed that Donald Trump is competitive for president of the United States. It is incredibly depressing that so many Americans have been fooled and have been lied to and have taken it all hook, line and sinker. I think the more the president tries to elevate this conversation, as Liz Cheney did, the more he will get those voters whose hearts understand that we cannot tolerate the kind of path that Donald Trump would take us down if he were to ever to get in power again.”

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