During a report aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “America This Morning,” the network stated that the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on which books children should have access to on Tuesday “turned racy at one point” when Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) read “explicit” portions of two of the “banned books” during the hearing.

The report said, “Some Republican-led states have restricted certain books where kids have access to them. Most of the books include stories about racism, sexuality, or gender identity. Florida removed nearly 400 titles last year. The hearing turned racy at one point as Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy read explicit scenes from two of the banned books.”

ABC didn’t air any portions of Kennedy reading the excerpts from the books, but did play a clip of Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias (D), who was there defending Illinois’ law preventing restricting which books children have access to, saying that what Kennedy read was “disturbing, especially coming out of your mouth, it’s very disturbing” along with clips of other parts of the hearing, including a portion of Kennedy’s other statements during the hearing.

Kennedy read passages from “All Boys Aren’t Blue” and “Gender Queer.”

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