Hochul: Biden Will Send DHS Resources to Help Us, But ‘a Lot’ Needs to Be Done at Border

During an interview with Spectrum News NY1 on Wednesday, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) announced that after her meeting with White House officials, “they’ll surge resources” to New York to help deal with migrants, including people from the Department of Homeland Security, and stated that “A lot has to happen at the border. I mean, we’re still experiencing 3,000 coming to New York alone a week.”

Hochul stated, “They also said that they’ll surge resources. What does that mean? In the next couple of weeks — and we haven’t identified the exact date — but they will bring many more people — and I’ve asked for high numbers, I don’t know the number yet — of people who work for Homeland Security to literally show up in Manhattan, make themselves available, to allow us to start processing thousands of people so they can apply for asylum legally, and that triggers the time that allows them to work legally.”

Later, she added, “A lot has to happen at the border. I mean, we’re still experiencing 3,000 coming to New York alone a week. I said, what’s the end game here? We can manage. We can put up a shelter to take care of 2,000 people, at enormous cost. And I know the frustration of New Yorkers who are seeing something that they never expected, their soccer fields being used for migrants and community centers and facilities in their neighborhoods. This is a whole new dynamic for residents of New York, and it’s exasperating for many of them. I understand that. I understand that is real anxiety.”

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