MSNBC’s Brzezinski Blames Biden’s Staff for Awkward Moments — He’s 80, ‘Be There for Him’

MSNBC anchor Mika Brzezinski said Wednesday on “Morning Joe” that President Joe Biden’s staff needed to do a better job helping the president because of his advanced age.

Brzezinski said, “I think his staff needs to own his age. I’m going to be honest, I don’t think they do a good job helping out the president.”

She continued, “I’m just saying if you are managing a president’s schedule and you are managing a president getting on stage and off stage, getting off planes and on planes and yes, he’s 80, you need to be there for him. You need to make a pathway, and you sure as hell better make sure he doesn’t fall on a sandbag. And I blame the staff for that.”

Brzezinski added, “I mean, these are the things that are going to hurt him. These are things that are going to be played on a loop. Let him do his job, let him do his speeches, let him work on policy, let him do his connections in Congress, unlike any president we have seen since, I don’t know, Clinton. But my God you are his Secret Service, you are his staff, make sure you’re there and telling him what’s next.”

She concluded, “Do a better job because you can’t have these video images of the president tripping or the president like going to wrong way. It’s not going to work in this presidency, because his age is going to be factor. It’s your job to make sure he gets from one place to another. He can handle the presidency you have to handle his schedule and where he goes. It makes me mad.”

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