Wednesday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Fox News Tonight,” Democratic presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reacted to details disclosed in U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty’s order rejecting the Biden Justice Department’s request to pause an order that limited the Biden administration’s ability to suppress free speech on social media.

According to the order, Kennedy, now a political rival of President Joe Biden, was the first person “censored” by the current commander-in-chief.

Partial transcript as follows:

PIERS MORGAN, FOX NEWS HOST: Well, just last week, federal Judge Terry Doughty ruled that the Biden administration coordinated with several social media companies to suppress speech related to the COVID pandemic.

One of the individuals censored by the Biden administration was Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He’s a Democratic candidate for president, and joins me now.

Welcome, Robert Kennedy.

What do you make of the hearings today, what you heard?

ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR. (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, I didn’t — I was actually doing a show with you.

MORGAN: You were.


MORGAN: You were actually being interviewed by me for a lot of it.



KENNEDY: So, even though I see those hearings, I get the point.

And I have been following the controversy. And the disturbing, I think, sort of punchline is that the FBI has been now weaponized as a domestic political instrumentality by various White Houses. And we saw for the first time during the — not for the first time, because, under J. Edgar Hoover, they were doing that to civil rights groups, Martin Luther King, et cetera.

And the country, when they found out about it, was furious, and they promised never to do it again. But during the war on terror, the — as Glenn Greenwald has pointed, the FBI got an idea that we got to target Muslim groups. And they went out, and they found people who were mentally ill and then enticed them with beautiful women to join terrorist groups, and then entrapped them and did this kind of selective targeting.

Well, it seems that they’re also doing that to any group now, to groups that are not terrorist groups, to groups that are simply political enemies of the current administration, or at least of the Biden administration.

I was the first person censored by the Biden administration, according to Judge Doughty’s decision. President Biden was sworn in on January 21, 2021, and they started censoring me. The White House gave an order to Twitter and to Facebook to begin censoring me two days later. And then I was removed with almost 900,000 followers from Instagram.

I’m still being censored. We know the FBI is involved in that censorship, as well as a whole plethora of other federal agencies.

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